Sunday, April 9, 2017

Intro to Empath- Awareness, Intention & Protecting

Quite a few people are coming into their empathic abilities these days. People are recognizing that they are experiencing the stress, aches and pains, and emotional responses of others. Google define's Empathic as, "showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another." Does this sound familiar? This was one of the first symptoms of my awakening. It has been a long hard battle but, I feel good about the evolution of my empathic gift. I will never claim to master any thing. I am still learning. I can, however, highlight the epiphanic understandings of the journey. 
If I can give any advice on how to make this journey less painful, you'll find it here in my blogs. I intend to empower you. 

1.) Observe your thoughts like a third party. Ask yourself, "Why am I feeling this way?" "Why am I reacting this way?" "Is this my truth?" "Is this who I want to be?" 
This allows you to (a) Reflect upon yourself. (b) Discontinue any behaviors you do not resonate with as your truth. (c) Find personal healing and raise your vibration, making yourself a clearer vessel. 

2.) Recognize, "Mirroring." As hard as it is, yes I know it's hard. Nobody wants to relate to someone who absolutely touches your last nerve. I get it but, THERE IS SO MUCH TRUTH THERE. Sorry. People who absolutely drive you to your last straw, and sit on your last nerve are, "waving red flags," for a reason. They are here to do the hardest work on your soul chart. They are here to reflect the little things within you that keep you stuck in inhibiting patterns. The idea here with Mirroring is, the things you love about yourself you will love in others, and the things you dislike about yourself, you dislike in others. A lot of the negative comes from judging ourselves and projecting that on to others. When you sincerely do some self reflection you will find something within you, often times at a different frequency but, you will find it. And when you do, (a) Reflect upon yourself. (b) Discontinue any behaviors you do not resonate with as your truth. (c) Find personal healing and raise your vibration, making yourself a clearer vessel. :)  Relationships with others is sacred ground. In this space you learn the most about yourself. Who you are, who you are not, and who you want to be. 

#'s 1 and 2 help to clear out false truths, self judgement, and keep the Law of Magnetic Attraction from sending these types of people to you because you will no longer resonate with their vibration, and will be mentally healthier for it.

#'s 3, 4 and 5 work well when done together with the intentions of developing and protecting your empathic abilities.

3) Set your intentions for your purpose DAILY, and speak them to yourself DAILY. This often becomes the "I AM" speech. This is the space you create to create the space you are. As an example, as an Empath, I ground myself, and connect with my Source of Love, Guidance, Security, and Health, all by telling myself, I AM connected to my..., I AM protected by... I AM healing everyday.... You can develop your own intentions by asking, "What areas do I want to strengthen?" Think on it a bit and write a list. You can do this all day long, and adjust as you see areas you'd like to progress in. Just add it to your list. 

When you set intentions, somehow, it works out. Remember that. 

4) Protect your energetic system using a suite of Divine White Light. You can make your suite look like any thing you want. Use your imagination with this one. Mine is very Boho, lol. The areas of protection necessary to assemble the mental picture is; shoes, belt, chest plate, shield, sword, helmet. Lately, I've heard to put on a "cloak of gratitude." Sounds like an amazing idea to me. With this, your intentions are to protect your energetic system from frequencies of energy that do not serve your highest good. I'm not saying that nothing bad will ever happen to you again, I'm saying that the intention is to protect your energetic system from frequencies of energy that do not serve your highest good. Now, that said, with the intentions being set, and a day later, you are feeling other people's crap, even though you put your suite on. Well, then, that was a frequency that serves your highest good. It's meant to teach you. If you feel it, you are to learn to transmute it. How you do that is your gift, I cannot adise you on the exact how but, the short answer is Love. Another part of this suite to remember is to use your imagination to create it at the beginning of the day, and use your imagination to take it off at the end of any situation that was stressful. It becomes a tool of letting go of all that happened in your workday, or with your in-laws, or at Wal-Mart, you know, all those stressful settings. Just zip it off and let it go. Just remember to put on a new one when you take off the old. I'm sure my energy practicing friends use this with every client. I've noticed it's helpful with every day. 

5) Get grounded and connected to your Source. I use my energetic system to send energy through the bottoms of my feet, to connect myself with the magnetic field of the Earth, known otherwise as "grounding," then I bring my attention/energy back up through my body, and out the top of my head, reaching for my Divine Source of Love, Protection, Wisdom, and Knowing. This opens the flow of your energetic system and allows an outlet of stored stress in the body, and other stresses that an Empath resonates with throughout their day. I use this tool at the begining of my day or if I feel really thrown through an energetic loop. I stop and ground myself during conversations that would otherwise make me nervous. It's an amazing tool. 

6) Understand that this is a healing journey for you as much as you would like to be a healing vessel for others, this is your journey, your path, your healing. You will notice as you do the hard work, and push through the dark nights of the soul, you will be a clearer vessel, and have a greater understanding of Divine Healing. Soon you are awakened to the magic of your soul and finding the passion that drives you, and allowing yourself to be driven. 

I hope this was helpful, and strengthens your gift and your wel-being. We have a lot of personal truths to clean up and clear out in order fine tune our gifts. I believe this tips will assist in that areana.

To name a few of my personal influences, the works of, Neale Donald Walshe, Eckhart Tole, Abraham Hicks, Deepok Chopra, Jesus, the Dalai Lama, and Caroline Myss. These are amazing Healers, and I would recommend starting with these authors. 

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