Sunday, April 23, 2017

Tips for the Energy Healers learning on their own

I am putting together these helpful hints because there are so many people who are coming into their spiritual gifts and they just don't want to go to school for a degree, or spend their time and money on a program. Often times when people sense they have a gift, they want to work with friends and family in their free time and don't have the money for a program, or time to take a class. Here are some tips that make the process easier.

0. Get to know the Major and Minor Chakras, what colors they are, what biologic systems they support, and how thoughts, food, crystals, music, and vibrations can influence them
1. Document your sessions, get to know your clients personal stresses and where they hold their stresses on their body's first, (draw what your intuition sees and feels) before and after, and set goals
2. Get grounded really well!!
3. Connect to the Earth and your Divine Source, and put on your protective suite of Divine Light
4. It's ABSOLUTELY NOT about how fantastic of a practitioner you are (know this)
5. "Use me as a tool to serve {so and so}'s highest good."
6. Ask to be guided by the Highest Divine Guides of the subject and yourself
7. Connect energetically to your subject by holding their wrists/ankles/shoulders and allowing their heart beat to come over your hands. You will feel a shift in your own body.
8. Use your imagination to visualize where you would like to direct energy (Utilize anatomy charts     for visualization tools)
9. Get to know the functions of the mind and body
10. No expectations of what healing looks like
11. Allow your self to be moved during your sessions
12. Ground your subject before ending the session.
13. Pre & Post Energetic Assessments, Ask subjects rate how they feel "Mind/Body/Spirit,"  before and after sessions.
14. Disconnect from your subject by mentally breaking the energetic bond, then, wash hands.
15. Do not give medical advice unless you are a doctor.
16. Give your subjects power to heal themselves. Suggest starting healthy new habits like; keeping a journal, meditation, exercise, getting grounded, drinking adequate water, being creative, ect..

Before choosing to practice working with energy, please review my blog, or other resources, on Daily Mantras and Introducing yourself to Empathy. I suggesting getting to know how to work with your own energy before attempting to influence the energy of others. Have this type of work done for yourself as often as you can. 

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